Apex Legends Mobile all questions answered: Compatible devices, map details, and more
Apex Legends Mobile will be released initially in the beta stage as EA has clarified doubts as well as queries regarding the upcoming mobile game
.Apex Legends Mobile is almost ready for mobile platform and is in the beta testing phase of the game. The game is a free-to-play battle royal title one can download on PC, Xbox and PS4/PS5. EA has already made the game’s page official on Google Play(https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ea.gp.apexlegendsmobilefps&hl=en_IN&gl=US) and has described what all can players expect from the game.
Last week, EA officially announced the commencement of the first closed beta program for Apex Legend Mobile. The game is initially available for players to try on Android only for players in India and Philippines. EA clarified that the first version will be released to only a few thousand players and others wanting to take part in the beta will have to wait for their turn.
As the Apex Legend Mobile closed beta goes live, EA has taken it upon itself to clarify some doubts regarding the game.
Apex Legends Mobile questions answered
EA clarified that the early access closed beta is limited to Android users in only India, with Philippines scheduled next on the list. The game will eventually be released around the world. The test version will also reach iOS in the future. In a few months from now, Apex Legends Mobile will have a dedicated webpage(https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/news) to pre-register for the closed betas. EA advises against downloading the APK file from another website.
Will all beta players get access to the game?
At the moment, players in India and later Philippines can pre-register on Google Play. Players will be notified of the same when the game is available to download. As if is a "Closed Beta" slots are limited, so those who pre-register aren’t guaranteed to get in right away, but will certainly make it into a later release. Please note that this test is invitation only with a server registration limit on a first come first serve basis,” says EA.
Purchase and pricing
Similar to the other versions, Apex Legends Mobile will be free-to-play. EA assures that there’s won’t be paid items to give someone a benefit over others. Players can, however, purchase Battle Passes, cosmetic items, and other unlockable items with cash. These items will be different from those found in the PC and console editions.
Compatible smartphones
As of now, EA says that Apex Legends Mobile beta supports Android phones running on Android 6 and higher. However, the devices supported for beta test do not represent the final launched version. The game will be optimized for more phones in the future. iPhone and iPad users need to wait for official support.
Initial features along with exclusives
EA won’t bring cross-play to Apex Legends Mobile as it has been developed keeping the mobile platform in mind. “To start, only the World’s Edge map and some of the original Legends from the game will be playable. Additional details on the content available will be made closer to the launch of the game,” says EA on the blog. The developers say they are trying to bring Apex Legends experience to the mobile platform. The game has been developed with the help of both mobile game developers and the original Apex Legends team.
What happens to beta players after stable release?
Those playing Apex Legends Mobile as part of the beta test won’t be able to continue their in-game progress to the stable version. Hence, players will have to start from the scratch on the stable release.
EA is in full mood for taking the battelroyal market in India after the depart of PubgMobile from India most people shifted to FreeFire and COD:Mobile addition of a new battelroyal will be great for Indian gamers as India is in the first country for the closed beta program we can assume that EA is trying to get its market set in India in comming years we can see more from EA Games.
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